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forum Intra si tu in Forumul.Ro , totul despre orice -Orice tema si orice subiect,fara menajamente! -Nu stergem subiectele incomode, pt. nimeni! -Dezbatem, nu batem campii! -Moderatorii sunt moderatori, nu altceva! -Tinem cu adevarul,incurajam exprimarea opiniei -Invatam din experiantele altora -Cunoastem inainte sa cumparam -Testam inainte sa scriem -Credem intr-o lume mai buna! - (Read more) |
Supply Chain Discussion Supply Chain Focus is an online forum for the discussion of all Supply Chain related matters.You will find topics covering; Logistics, Distribution, Warehousing, Transport, Planning, Systems and much more with members participating from all over the World.Our goal for this forum is to foster the exchange of information and ideas, and provide a central communication and discussion community for those interested in the topic of Supply Chain Management. - (Read more) |
It security forum is a forum on it security news and resources, daily thousands of people read, write and find the most of the issues happening on computer security - (Read more) |
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