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Carbon Fullerenes and their Existence on Earth http://sesres.com As a world supplier of fullerene products, SES has become a one stop shop for a World of Fullerenes in your hands. Over the past decade, SES Research product line has expanded to include the whole family of Carbon Fullerenes, Nano-tubes, Specialty Equipment and HPLC columns. - (Read more) |
Reactivi http://www.reactivi.eu/ Oferta de produse de o foarte buna calitate, corectitudinea de abordare a relatiei cu clientul, sistemul logistic foarte bine dezvoltat, au facut ca firma noastra sa se afle mereu in Topul furnizorilor de produse pentru laboratoare, cercetare si industrie. Punem la dispozitia dumneavoastra un pachet integrat de produse si servicii. - (Read more) |
TaiSiC | AI2O3 | raw ceramic material http://www.taisic.com/ The global storage capacity of AI2O3 is the one second to silicon oxidation only; it is a component of raw ceramic material. In AI2O3 molecule, aluminum atoms hold strong chemical bonds to oxygen atoms, which form extremely high hardness among its oxides. - (Read more) |
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