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God's Word Alive http://www.godswordalive.com Kingdom of God Prosperity Bookstore’s products empower Christians with God's Word: Bibles, audio Bibles, Christian music CDs, giving daily scriptures, daily scripture confessions, Christian blog and CD, "God's Word Spoken" reveals the secret power of speaking God's Word to change your health, finances, relationships, & bring hope, etc. Offer a free mp3 download: 10 Steps To Begin Your Confession of God’s Word to Change Your World Around you. Articles: God’s Unconditional love, & more. - (Read more) |
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Rochester MN History http://www.historicrochester.com A photographic history book with nearly 200 photographs of Rochester Minnesota's rich history, and a fast paced video documentary that explores Rochester's defining historical elements like St. Mary's Hospital, Mayo Clinic, and IBM. - (Read more) |
Teacher's Resources http://www.centerforlearning.org The Center For learning had published more than 600 values-based teacher's resources books and provided complimentary services We have a huge collection of books for teachers with a goal to provide practical classroom material for both new and veteran teachers. - (Read more) |
The Book Abyss Online Bookstore http://www.thebookabyss.com.au Buy books Online from this Australian Online Bookstore. Every Book at The Book Abyss Online Book Shop is below retail price. Save up to to 40 percent on Discount books. Non Fiction, Audio books, Biography, Memoirs, True crime, Self Help and so much more. - (Read more) |
ThisBibleTalks.com http://www.thisbibletalks.com The FIRST "Press & Play" talking bible storybook for pre-readers. Select the favorite bible story and press the logo on the electronic device to hear that story. Great birthday, Christmas and baptism gift, the book that keeps giving. - (Read more) |
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