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Frontline from Ivet http://www.ivet.co.uk Ivet for all you animals needs.Subscription service so you will never forget to buy your frontline again. Ivet.co.uk for dog cat and horse wormers. Includes advice on how to care for you pet.From worming tablets to nutritional supplements.Everything you need to care for you pet. - (Read more) |
Batteries for PetSafe and Dogwatch http://www.hiddenfenceonline.com/ Invisible Fence and other pet fences. We offer a complete line of batteries, collars, probes and accessories for your pet fence - (Read more) |
Apartments and houses to rent in Ireland3 http://www.buyandsell.ie/ Buy and Sell`s new property is no daft venture! A leader in classifieds for 20 years, Buy and Sell now offers apartments and houses for let and for sale in Dublin, Cork, Belfast and all over Ireland. - (Read more) |
Pet product reviews - Smart Pet Shop http://www.smartpetshop.co.uk Smart Pet Shop - Your guide to the best pet care supplies and products to give your pet the best. - (Read more) |
The Pampered Pup- Dog Accessories and Dog Clothing http://www.thepamperedpup.com The Pampered Pup Designer Dog Boutique: Offers designer dog clothes and dog apparel, dog toys, dog collars, luxurious dog carriers, dog treats, stunning dog bowls and much more! - (Read more) |
Does Your Small Dog Need A Large Kennel? http://www.doghousemarket.com/ Does your dog need love and comfort everyday? There are many ways to show your dog that you care. Does he have a dog house that he can call his own? Do you have a heated dog pad inside? Does Your Dog Travel With You? Does your dog have an exercise pen to move around in? Come by and see all of the dog products to make your dog happy. - (Read more) |
Pet Portaits & Paintings, The Painted Pet http://www.thepaintedpet.com Custom pet portraits & paintings created from photos. Artist Kayle Lamar has been creating dog and cat paintings & drawings since 2001. Custom artwork starts at $79. - (Read more) |
Exquisite Info on pet dogs in India http://www.indiakennels.com/ Resources on Dogs in India & Dog Breeders In India right here at IndiaKennels.com - (Read more) |
Washington Horse Breeders http://summervalefarm.com Award Winning Summervale farm has colts, fillies, broodmares, mares and geldings for sale. In addition to selling Warmbloods, Dressage and Hunter Jumpers we are one of the Northwest’s leading Horse Breeders. - (Read more) |
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